in Switzerland

in Zurich in German
Johann Jakob Hottinger was the son of the pastor of Ossingen, Johann Heinrich Hottinger, thus great-grandson of the theologian Johann Jakob Hottinger (1652–1735) and great-great-grandson of the orientalist Johann Heinrich Hottinger .
Hottinger attended that Collegium Carolinum in Zurich , where he from Johann Jakob Steinbrüchel and Johann Jakob Breitinger was promoted; even Johann Jakob Bodmer was one of his teachers. In 1769 he became ordained . On a scholarship, he first traveled to 1770 Yverdon and Geneva , then to Göttingen , where he received his doctorate in 1774.
In the spring of 1774 he was appointed professor of eloquence at the Carolinum in Zurich and traveled back to Switzerland via Holland and France. Hottinger soon became known through a polemic against it published in 1775 Johann Caspar Lavater (Letter to the author of the news ...) and his against Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther Directed satirical letters from Selkof to Welmar (1777).
From 1789 Hottinger was professor of the Greek and Latin languages at the Collegium Humanatis. After Steinbrüchel's death, on February 28, 1796, he finally received his professorship for the Greek language and Philologiae sacrae (hermeneutics) at the Carolinum and the associated professorship Canonical .