in Switzerland

in French in Morges
Henry Dunant actually Jean-Henri Dunant (* 8th of May 1828 in Geneva ; † 30th of October 1910 in Pagans ), was a Swiss Businessman and a humanist more christian Embossing.
During one Business trip he was near the in June 1859 Italian city Solferino Witness the appalling conditions among the wounded after one battle between the Army of Austria as well as the troops Sardinia-Piedmont and Of France . He wrote a book about his experiences with the title A memory of Solferino , which he made in 1862 published own expense and distributed in Europe.
As a result, a year later, in Geneva, the International Committee of Aid Societies for the Care of the Wound was founded, which has been named since 1876 International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) carries. The one decided in 1864 Geneva Convention is essentially based on suggestions from Dunant's book. Henry Dunant, who then lived in poverty and oblivion for around three decades due to business problems and his subsequent exclusion from Geneva society, is considered to be the founder of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement . In 1901 he received for his lifetime achievement along with the French pacifist Frédéric Passy the first Nobel Peace Prize .